Wednesday, October 21, 2009

He is growing to fast!

This is my baby boy loren, and he is three and growing so fast. I talk to him last night, and he made my day. He kept saying mommy, and I love you and I almost cry & I could blieve it. He is getting so big and grow so fast. I am planning to visit him very soon, cause I miss him. I am also stilling taking my parenting classes online and looking to get another job so I can save get a car and maybe move back up to Bismarck to b with him..or I will move him down here...this town is a great place to live and rasie kids.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

7 years Sober

Well I have been 7 years sober from meth
and I cant believe it, I have made it through and I am so proud of myself.